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“Don’t DIY Your Faith”

by Pastor Chris Kumpula

“If you want it done right, do it yourself.”

Many of us will be saying this about our DIY (do-it-yourself) projects this summer. And this is our attitude towards many things in life, and perhaps understandably so. We have all been at the mercy of others who’ve failed us. Without grace and forgiveness, I think any of us would be skeptical and cynical about doing life “together.” But God has called us to live together, after all.

The local congregation is a community of believers woven together into a fabric of interlocking relationships. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul tells us that we ought to regard every part of the body as part of ourselves. No one says “I don’t need you, kidney!” if they’ve tried life with one or none. God’s purpose is that these relational connections be strengthened so “that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” (1 Corinthians 12:25–26) God wants us to be part of someone else’s life, and for them to be part of yours.

These relational bonds are important when difficulty tugs at our life and threatens to unravel us. When our individual faith in Christ has been woven together with the spiritual walks of other believers, we enjoy a spiritual resilience that can’t be had apart from the community that is the local congregation. God desires hospitality, acceptance, belonging, and authenticity for His church. Why? In a world that isolates us, the local congregation is where we go to be seen and see others. Through shared experiences, worship, and service, believers develop deep and meaningful connections with one another, forming a community that’s stronger for all its threads. This isn’t about mutual misrepresentation of our life summarized by “I’m fine.” It’s about constantly feeding friendships both old and new.

But we don’t want this kind of congregation. If we’re being honest, it’s easier to remain separate from others and avoid the difficulties of getting caught up in the lives and problems of others. We think “my life is already a mess, why do I want to put myself in a place where I’m sewing into my life the problems of others?” So it seems simpler to keep to ourselves.

Christian faith is not a DIY project. Relationships in the church provide the necessary support for growth and discipleship. As believers interact with one another, they learn from and encourage one another, sharing struggles, praying, and providing wise counsel. We more quickly grow in our understanding of God's Word and see gospel transformation in our life through community- life together.

As we enter the summer months, be intentional in feeding relationships both in your church family and with your neighbors. Have someone over for dinner, bring something to a neighbor you don’t know very well yet, or find someplace to roll-up your sleeves and get messy alongside other people doing their best. In good times and bad, we need relationships. The world is only as lonely as we let the Devil make it, so don’t DIY.


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